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A Guide to Children's Vitamins and Supplements

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With the start of a new school year, parents often wonder how they can support their child's wellness. Should supplements be used to improve learning, mental health or behaviour? How about immune and digestive support? Can vitamins be used to improve energy levels? Or can we get all of our nutrients through diet?

The simple answer to these questions are - we don’t generally have to supplement in healthy kids that eat well balanced diets. However, depending on what your child is eating on a daily basis, how much sun exposure they are getting, or if they have underlying health concerns, supplements may be recommended. In this article I hope to clear up some questions around supplementation, and provide basic guidelines for when it is appropriate.

What about picky eaters?

A common concern that parents have is that their child is a picky eater. In these cases, I always look at the child's diet over a period of a week to determine if they are consuming most nutrients needed for maintaining good health. Along with providing dietary advise, a children's multi vitamin may be recommended as an insurance policy to prevent nutrient deficiencies in this group of kids.

Supplementing beyond a multi-vitamin depends on the individual child, and their health needs. You should always talk to your health care provider about whether or not supplementation is needed, and what doses are appropriate for your child’s age and weight.

Here are 5 children’s supplements that may be recommended by naturopathic doctors above and beyond a multi-vitamin.

1) Probiotics

Probiotics may offer several health benefits for children, including improvements in digestive, immune and skin health. They can aid in the breakdown of food and absorption of nutrients, help relieve constipation, and reduce the severity of diarrhea. Probiotics also play a crucial role in supporting the immune system by promoting the growth of healthy gut bacteria, which helps to ward off common viral infections and maintain a robust immune response. Additionally, studies have shown that probiotics can be beneficial for children with eczema, as they help modulate the immune system's response and reduce inflammation, resulting in improved symptoms and overall skin health.

2) Omega 3

Omega-3 fatty acids are crucial for the healthy growth and development of children. They play a vital role in brain development, as a significant portion of the brain is composed of these essential fats. Omega-3s have been linked to improved cognitive function, memory, and attention, making them particularly important for children's brain health. Studies have suggested that omega-3 supplementation may improve symptoms of ADHD, such as reduced impulsivity and improved focus. Additionally, omega-3s have anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce the risk of allergies and eczema in children. Lastly, omega-3 fatty acids have been associated with improved sleep quality and performance at school, further emphasizing their importance in a child's overall well-being and academic performance.

3) Vitamin D

Vitamin D is essential for children's overall health, playing a vital role in immune function, and bone growth and development. Vitamin D helps prevent common childhood upper respiratory tract infections like the cold and flu, and promotes the growth and development of healthy bones, which is especially important during childhood. In winter months where there is limited sunlight, vitamin D supplementation is often recommended. Furthermore, all breastfed infants require vitamin D supplementation since breast milk does not contain adequate levels to meet the recommended daily intake for infants.

4) Calcium & Magnesium

Calcium and magnesium are crucial for healthy bone and teeth development, efficient nervous system and muscle function, and cardiovascular health.

Children who eat vegan diets, or have to avoid dairy due to allergies, intolerances, or sensitivities often have to supplement with calcium and magnesium to prevent deficiencies.

5) Elderberry

Black elderberry is renowned for its flu-fighting properties. This natural remedy not only helps reduce the duration and severity of cold symptoms but is also known to support the immune system during flu season.

In health and happiness,

Dr. Meghan van Drimmelen | Naturopath Victoria BC


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