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Naturopathic Support for Perimenopause & Menopause

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“The key to successful perimenopausal/menopausal management revolves around patient education and empowerment. Informing women about the changes that are occurring in their bodies, as well as assessment and treatment options, allows for the patient and doctor to collaborate on a treatment protocol that will best serve the individual. Through education and empowerment, and targeting the underlying hormone imbalance, quality of life can be restored. “

~ Dr. Meghan van Drimmelen ND

Defining Peri-Menopause, Menopause and Post-Menopause.

The menopausal transition or perimenopause is a period of a women’s life where ovarian function and sex hormone production declines. This natural transition can start as early as our late 30's, and is often associated with changes in length and flow of a women’s menstrual cycle, mood swings, hot flashes, night sweats, anxiety, depression, low energy, foggy thinking, insomnia, loss of skin tone, vaginal dryness, and loss of sex drive.

Menopause occurs when a women has full cessation of her menstrual period for 12 consecutive months. The average age of menopause is 51. Once a woman has gone through menopause, she is considered to be post-menopausal. During this time many of the bothersome symptoms a woman experiences prior to menopause gradually ease for most women. However, each individual differs, and for some, these symptoms can persist for a number of years significantly impacting quality of life.

What is the goal of naturopathic perimenopausal/menopausal Care?

Naturopathic mid-life care is aimed at improving quality of life by restoring hormone balance, reducing bothersome menopausal symptoms, slowing down the aging process, and reducing the risk of chronic disease such as osteoporosis and heart disease.

Naturopathic mid-life care is tailored to each individual by looking at the following:

  • Lifestyle Modifications.

  • Education regarding menopause/perimenopause and the link with thyroid, adrenal, bone and heart health.

  • Vitamin, mineral and herbal supplementation.

  • Bio-identical hormone balancing.

What can I expect when I see Dr. Meghan van Drimmelen for perimenopause or menopause care?

STEP 1: Complete Medical Intake Form and Menopause/Peri-Menopause Questionnaire

You will be provided with a detailed medical intake form to fill out and bring with you to your first appointment. This helps create a clear picture of your personal medical history, your current state of health, and what your priorities are in terms of health and wellness goals.

STEP 2: Come in for your Initial Consultation

The focus of the initial appointment is to review your medical intake form and hormone questionnaire, assess whether or not hormone testing is indicated, and provide education around sex hormones, thyroid hormones, stress hormones, mental/emotional health, bone health and heart health. Lifestyle modifications, as well as supplements may be prescribed at this time. Initial consultations are scheduled as 1-hour appointments.

STEP 3: Hormone Testing

Based on your medical history and current state of health, Dr. van Drimmelen may recommend sex hormone, adrenal hormone, and thyroid hormone testing, along with standard screening based on your age and risk factors. Once the salivary, urine, and/or blood sample is collected, the results will be forwarded to Dr. Meghan in 10 to 14 days. The clinic will phone you to book in for a 30-45-minute follow-up appointment to discuss the results and further treatment options.

STEP 4: Bio-identical Hormones

Bio-identical hormones may be prescribed based on patient values, severity of symptoms, hormone test results, medical history, risk factors, and past treatments tried.

STEP 5: Monitoring and Follow-Up

Finding the right balance of hormones for your unique body and situation is a bit of an art. Dr. Meghan van Drimmelen will support you throughout the hormone balancing process by addressing your questions and concerns at each and every follow-up appointment. Follow-up appointments are used to discuss lab results, lifestyle modifications, adherence and response to supplements and/or bio-identical hormone therapies, and adjustments to treatment if needed. Follow-up consultations are scheduled as 30-minute appointments.

Dr. Meghan van Drimmelen | Naturopath Victoria BC

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